jina muso

Jessup, Lynne. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: An Introduction with Notation for Teaching. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.

(Jina Muso)

pp. 146–59 (Appendix 2: Balafon Repertoire)

Title Jina Muso
Translation: Female jinn
Calling in Life: Folk hero, friend; Popular Woman
Original Instrument: Balafon, Guitar, Kora
Region of Origin: Gambia
Date of Origin: L (after WWII)
Sources: 5 (M. Suso)

Sissoko, Djelimoussa "Ballake." 1997. Jeli Moussa Sissoko: Kora Music from Mali. Bibi B. Bucking Musikverlag/Nbg., 9764-2 Indigo.


The beauty of the woman one loves is likened to the exceptional beauty of certain spirits. This comparison reflects the many popular stories about spirits that have seduced men and women. Jinemusonin or "spirit woman" is a nocturnal song in which slow passages marked by flourishes on the high strings alternate with danceable intermezzos.

Dioubate, Famoro. 2014. Kontendemi. Self-produced.


This song is called jina muso. It's a love song. You know, anything you love, you have to be nice. If you are a musician . . . whatever . . . you're going to be nice to anything you love. Jina muso is a very, very deep love song in Mande.

Transcription mine. (Adapted.)