
Jessup, Lynne. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: An Introduction with Notation for Teaching. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.


pp. 146–59 (Appendix 2: Balafon Repertoire)

Title Waraa
Translation: Lion
Dedication: Musa Trawally, president of Mali
Calling in Life: King or Leader
Original Instrument: Balafon
Region of Origin: Radio
Date of Origin: L (after WWII)
Sources: 5 (M. Suso)

Camara, Alkaly. 2005. Alkaly Camara: Master Balafonist Vol. 1. Dununya, 2395.


Warra, in Malinke, refers to the powerful leopard or other big cat.

I am not talking about warra that hunts chickens. I am not talking about warra that captures dogs... It captures, it snaps a big bone, and then swallows it... Pom! That's the warra I am talking about.