I Bara Kala Ta
Ensemble Instrumental de la Radiodiffusion Nationale. 1970. Guinée an XI. Syliphone, SLP 16.
Track 3 - "Soundiata"
Ministère de l'information du Mali. 1971. Première anthologie de la musique malienne: 4 LPs. 1. Le Mali des steppes et des savannes: Les Mandingues. Barenreiter Musicaphon, BM 30L 2501.
Track A1 - "Sunjata"; Nankoman Kouyate
Various Artists. 1999. An Bè Kelen: Griot Music from Mali. PAN Records, PAN 2015.
Track 1 - "Sunjata Fasa"
Mandekalou. 2005. The Art and Soul of the Mande Griots. Syllart/Melodie 79663-2.
Track 6 - "Nare Maghan"
Keita, Mamady. 2007. Mandeng Djara. Fonti Musicali, FMD 231.
Track 11 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Alikhali [Khali] Camara; Balla Camara No. 1
Abara kala ta
Naremagan Mandenka, bara kala ta
Abara kala ta
Djugu lamini sandjan, bara kala ta
Koai yalala
I yeh bara kala ta
Bara kala ta
Koai yalala
Transcription source: Keita (2007-disc).
Keita, Mamady. 2010. Hakili. Zig Zag World/Cristal Records CR 170-71.
Track 5 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Djeli Mady Kouyate
Kelo Le Ye Mandi Lo
Jessup, Lynne, prod. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: Mandinka Balafon Music. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.
Track B9 - "Sunjata Mang Bori Long Kelo Le Ye Mandi Lo"; Jali Bukari Suso; Mawdo Suso; Mamadi Suso
Jessup, Lynne, prod. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: Teaching Mandinka Balafon. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.
Track B8 - "Kelo Le Ye Mandi Lo"; Mawdo Suso
Kelo le ye mandi te,
Kelo le ye mandi lo
Transcription source: Jessup (1983: 139).
Kouyate, M'Bady, and Diaryatou Kouyate. 1996. Guinée: Kora et chant du N'Gabu. Vol 1. Buda, 92648-2.
Track 3 - "Boloba"
Cissé, Ahmed Tidjane. 2011. Les Grands Ballets D'Afrique Noire: sous la direction de Ahmed Tidjani Cissé Bolibana.
Track 02 - "Soundiata"
Mandeng Djara Song
Kone, Tidiani, and Orchestre Poly-Rythmo. 2001. Demeli. Espace Africa.
Track 3 - "Soundiata"
Keita, Mamady. 2007. Mandeng Djara. Fonti Musicali, FMD 231.
Track 11 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Alikhali [Khali] Camara; Balla Camara No. 1
Keita, Mamady. 2010. Hakili. Zig Zag World/Cristal Records CR 170-71.
Track 5 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Djeli Mady Kouyate
Ne Jata Le
Sissoko, Bazoumana. 1972. Musique du Mali. 1. Bazoumana Sissoko, le vieux lion I. Barenreiter Musicaphon, BM 30L 2552.
Track A1 - "Sunjata"
Rail Band. 1976b. Melodias Rail Band du Mali. Reissue of part of 1972, BM 30L 2606 with other material. With Salif Keita and Fanta Damba. Kouma, KLP 1043.
Track 01 - "Soundiata"
Mandekalou. 2005. The Art and Soul of the Mande Griots. Syllart/Melodie 79663-2.
Track 6 - "Nare Maghan"
Nyaama, Nyaama, Nyaama
Sissoko, Bazoumana. 1972. Musique du Mali. 1. Bazoumana Sissoko, le vieux lion I. Barenreiter Musicaphon, BM 30L 2552.
Track A1 - "Sunjata"
Rail Band. 1976b. Melodias Rail Band du Mali. Reissue of part of 1972, BM 30L 2606 with other material. With Salif Keita and Fanta Damba. Kouma, KLP 1043.
Track 01 - "Soundiata"
Jessup, Lynne, prod. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: Teaching Mandinka Balafon. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.
Track B8 - "Nyaama, Nyaama, Nyaama"; Mawdo Suso
Nyaama, nyaama, nyaama,
Feng ne be dungna nyaama kono
Nyaa te dungna feng feng kono
Transcription source: Jessup (1983: 133).
Various Artists. 1998. Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 1. Africa. Garland Publishing Ltd. Audio CD.
Track 8 - "Maninka Mansareh Praise Song"; (Unidentified)
Keita, Mamady. 2007. Mandeng Djara. Fonti Musicali, FMD 231.
Track 11 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Alikhali [Khali] Camara; Balla Camara No. 1
Nyama, nyama, nyama,
Fen beye dona nyama le koro
Nyama te dona fen fen koro,
Fen beye dona
Soundjata le koro
Soundjata te dona fen fen koro
Transcription source: Keita (2007-disc).
Keita, Mamady. 2010. Hakili. Zig Zag World/Cristal Records CR 170-71.
Track 5 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Djeli Mady Kouyate
Safina ta wulu
Keita, Mamady. 2007. Mandeng Djara. Fonti Musicali, FMD 231.
Track 11 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Alikhali [Khali] Camara; Balla Camara No. 1
Safina ta wulu,
Wuluke mendi safina ta
Wo tana koloto
Nye djugu nye numa,
Wulu ke mendi safina ta
Wotana koloto
Nye djugu nye nyuma
Transcription source: Keita (2007-disc).
Keita, Mamady. 2010. Hakili. Zig Zag World/Cristal Records CR 170-71.
Track 5 - "Sundjata Fasa"; Djeli Mady Kouyate
Conde, Kemo. 2001. Soumankoï. Syllart.
Track 5 - "Djemompti"
Sunjata Mang Bori Long
Rail Band. 1976b. Melodias Rail Band du Mali. Reissue of part of 1972, BM 30L 2606 with other material. With Salif Keita and Fanta Damba. Kouma, KLP 1043.
Track 01 - "Soundiata"
Jessup, Lynne, prod. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: Mandinka Balafon Music. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.
Track B9 - "Sunjata Mang Bori Long Kelo Le Ye Mandi Lo"; Jali Bukari Suso; Mawdo Suso; Mamadi Suso
Jessup, Lynne, prod. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: Teaching Mandinka Balafon. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.
Track B8 - "Sunjata Mang Bori Long"; Mawdo Suso
Sunjata mang bori long, Sumanguru,
Sunjata mang bori long, Sumanguru.
Transcription source: Jessup (1983: 137).
Kouyate, M'Bady, and Diaryatou Kouyate. 1996. Guinée: Kora et chant du N'Gabu. Vol 1. Buda, 92648-2.
Track 3 - "Boloba"
Mandeng Tunya. 1997. M'Faké. Mandinka Magic Music. U.S. cassette.
Track 1 - "Sundjatta"; Karamba Dambakate
Sunjata Naata, Sumanguru Kante
Jessup, Lynne, prod. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: Mandinka Balafon Music. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.
Track B9 - "Sunjata Mang Bori Long Kelo Le Ye Mandi Lo"; Jali Bukari Suso; Mawdo Suso; Mamadi Suso
Jessup, Lynne, prod. 1983. The Mandinka Balafon: Teaching Mandinka Balafon. La Mesa, Calif.: Xylo.
Track B8 - "Sunjata Naata, Sumanguru Kante"; Mawdo Suso
Sunjata Naata,
Sumanguru, kante [sic]
Transcription source: Jessup (1983: 135).